“That there is no clear, common definition underscores the difficult task facing the Government as it attempts to halt what it sees as the erosion of Emirati culture and heritage. A sense of urgency has emerged in recent years, driven in part by the persistent decline in the percentage of Emiratis among a largely expatriate population. Recently, the Cabinet issued a charter that stressed the need to uphold the country’s traditions, including the use of Arabic, and urged Emiratis to have “
large and cohesive families”. Most experts and officials agree that the population imbalance, combined with the sweeping effects of globalisation, are the greatest contributors to the erosion of the nation’s identity, social habits and language………..”
It is true, what the old song says: some fools never learn. They have never read my theory, posted often here, that having large native families will not solve the population imbalance. Au contraire, as they say. I have seen it in my own country, and in other Persian Gulf states: they always seek increased native birth and larger families to reduce the percentage of expatriates. They don’t seem to realize (or maybe they do) that the more natives there are, the more foreign expatriates they will need. This has always been the trend, because each native needs the services of several expatriates (housemaids, drivers, nurses, doctors, builders, waiters, etc) to keep him going. As the Gulf potentates, and their planning councils composed largely of oligarchs and plutocrats, have pushed for more babies (and multiple wives), they have watched the percentage of expatriate labor increase consistently.
Which has often frustrated me. It makes me wonder whatthefuck is wrong with these schmucks?
Okay, I know the oligarchs like to take the easy way out. They also prefer to rule over a larger population than the oligarch next door: the Arabian Joneses syndrome. As for the plutocrats, it is simple: they need the cheap expatriate laborers and they need the increased demand for the goods they import, they know that the more people, the more money they make.