The Moslem world has one nuclear 'power' so far. Yet the Pakistani experience in nukes has not been encouraging. The country's lead nuclear scientist, one of the ubiquitous Khans, managed a rogue network that sold the technology to other countries, and as a result he was hailed as a 'hero'. Now there is the prospect of another nuclear power in the Moslem World, Iran.
During the last election, the disappointed Iranian people mostly sat out the election because the omnipotent clergy blocked reform candidates. Now they have Mr. AhmadiNejad's fingers edging toward a nuclear button. He believes that the vanished Mahdi is about to reappear, i.e THE END IS NEAR!!! (He reminds me of a man who used to stand at the corner of Telegraph and Bancroft in the old days, although he does not seem to enjoy delivering the message as much as that other man did). The good news (maybe), in this case, is that he is only one man, first among several leaders, some of whom probably have more....earthly interests and are more deliberate. Or maybe they are not- anybody can make a costly miscalculation.
Now about those IEDs in the Iraq news. Is it possible that someone in Shi'a Iran is supplying the Salafi/Wahabi terrorists with explosive devices to kill Iraqi Shi'as? The same Salafis/Wahabis who consider all Shi'as, including Iranians, as heretics, no better than Jews and Christians in their view? The claim sounds almost as absurd as a claim of Nazis arming Jews, or is it the other way around? But then, anything is possible, politics make strange bedfellows. Not just fellows, but bedcouples as well. Still, I have my doubts about this issue.
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