“A heavy security operation was under way at Cairo's airport today as crowds gathered to welcome home the former UN nuclear weapons chief, Mohamed ElBaradei. ElBaradei, who stood down as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency last year, is seen as a potential challenger to the three-decade rule of President Hosni Mubarak in next year's elections. Crowds carrying welcome signs and singing the national anthem gathered at the airport shortly before ElBaradei's plane was due to touch down. There was a heavy police and state security service presence at the airport but no evidence that 6,000 troops had been deployed, as was being reported by some local news organizations. It was thought that the reports of troops might have been a tactic to dissuade protesters from taking to the streets. ElBaradei supporters were being searched as they arrived at the airport. Some were singing "There's no turning back now, Mr ElBaradei", in an attempt to encourage him to declare his candidacy………”
If the past is any indication one of the following will happen to him: he will die mysteriously, he will fall seriously ill, he will go to prison on trumped up charges. Or a combination of the above.
Welcome back to the moderate New Middle East, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei. Thirty year old dictatorships do not give up power easily in the moderate New Middle East, even if the said dictator is 84 years old. Even in the city where President Obama made his famous speech promising Muslims respect, understanding, alliance, and (tacitly) continued dictatorship.
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by the way, i wanted to share about a crazy Egyptian's phone number i started receiving phone calls from this afternoon. i do not know who he is but i kept calling me even after midnight. I have no idea how to stop him calling me as my phone does not have rejection button for certain number, so I share this here.
Here are the phone numbers. I guess they might have some mental problem calling someone over 6 hours with more than 20times in total... disturbing my study. Are they some kinds of marketing people? I don't know Egyptian language and they don't speak English well..
I hope this person stops harassing me. I just share it here so someone else might call him to keep him busy to stay away calling me.
Here is the message I got from the one called from 0100793599
"Hello, good night really i like your voice and i hope to hear u again and know more about u like ur name and how old u are? Good night and good dream with angel my name is ahmed and my number is 0117718273"
If anyone can call this stranger and tell him not to call who he does not know, it would help me stop hearing phone call from him.
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