Sunday, April 09, 2006

Middle East News of Interest

Mubarak of Egypt comments on Iraq

Eternal President Mubarak of Egypt yesterday had some interesting comments in an interview with the Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya satellite TV. The 78 years old Mubarak, president of Egypt for the past 25 years ( your heart out), claimed that all Shi'as, wherever they are, are more loyal to Iran than to their own countries. Which means he has accused 65% of the Iraqi people of being a fifth column. Not to mention the the Shi'as who form majorities and large minorities of other countries.
My guess is that he has just wiped out any chance for Egypt, the major Arab country, to play a positive role in stabilizing Iraq. Talk about a president-for-life interfering in the internal affairs of another country.....actually several other countries.
I wonder how long it will take to finish grooming his son and almost certain successor?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

So the Sunnis in Iraq must be loyal to KSA, and the christians in Egypt must be loyal to UK, Italy or any other Christian country!!

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